The story behind Function Factories

The reason we exist is due to a common belief amongst us:  advanced artificial intelligence solutions should not only be available to enterprise sized manufacturing companies, but also to small business.  We’ve taken the liberty to deliver these solutions to smallest companies at an affordable rate.  

Our mission is to provide advanced AI solutions to small businesses. We discovered the majority of this industry wasn’t being served properly with high tech solutions.

Our Leadership

Anthony Loss
Application Architect and Co-Founder

Anthony has over 10 years experience in the cloud as an architect. At Function Factories, he focuses on application architecture and business operations. Anthony is based in Chicago, IL, and in his spare time he enjoys exercising and watching movies.

Michael Wiese
Head Developer and Co-Founder

Michael has over 17 years experience in the cloud and IT. He is the head developer at Function Factories. Michael is based in Austin, TX, and in his spare time you can find him boating on Lake Travis or spending time with his wife at tasty restaurants.

Our Principles

Things we focus on in every solution we deliver.

Partnership with AWS

Function Factories is a member of the AWS Partner Network (APN). Whether you’re looking leverage AWS for innovation, agility, cost savings, or operational efficiency, we’ll show you how to get there.

AI & Machine Learning

Organizations are looking for ways to leverage artificial intelligence & machine learning. Function Factories specializes in this field and helps their customers incorporate AI/ML quickly, securely, and cost effectively.

Cloud Migrations

Typical cloud consulting companies look at all migrations as equal. When in reality, all migrations are different and they must be approached that way. While lift-and-shift is prominent strategy for most, other considers must be evaluated such as infrastructure as code with automated pipelines and open sourced tooling.

Serverless App Development

AWS has innovated over and over again to challenge us about how we should architect our applications. Function factories takes a cloud-native approach to application development in order to satisfy on-going cost effectiveness.

Smart Storage Solutions

Function Factories' architects have been qualified to assess customer storage scenarios and design for AWS. This includes SAN, NAS, block volumes, backups, and disaster recovery.